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Кто такая эта Loituma?

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Копия с одного форума... Я не буду её менять, так что:


Зашел на сайт Тимо и нашел там вот эту запись.
Loituma song Ieva's Polka an internet hit in Russia
Loituma, a band Timo is a member of, released their first CD in 1995. Now, eleven years later, the most popular track of the CD, an acapella song called Ieva's Polka, has become a spontaneous internet hit in Russia. The popularity started from a flash animation someone put on the internet with a piece of the song as a soundtrack. People became fascinated by the music and within a week two thousand people has visited this site looking for more information. TVfolk.net, a Swedish site hosting a video of Loituma performing Ieva's Polka, drew way over 10 000 people in a couple of days. There is also a cool remix out there on the wild, wild web, hosted on the site of Emplosia, a Russian electro-synth band.
В общем ничего нового он нам не сообщил. И на мое письмо он не ответил


От vlad375


Люди!!! Я получил ответ от члена группы Loituma! Это не фейк, это настоящее письмо. Вот оно -

"Hi Vladislav,
I'm indeed a member of Loituma but we have not been active for some years now. We'll live in different places so our music making together has not been done for awhile. We all are musicians still.

Thanks for your message and the information. I've noticed in recent days that there has been tremendous increase in the traffic of my website. When I started to investigate the details I noticed that this has something to do with Loituma's Ievan Polkka (Ieva's Polka) in Russia. I was very surpriced.

TvFolk.net, where our video of a live broadcast in USA can be seen, reported to me that they have had over ten thousand watchers in a short period of time. That is huge amount and I became even more surpriced.

Now I've even got some licensing enquieries from Russia.

I found this remix from a forum and I just love it, it is so funny to hear our polka remixed this way, it is great! Also the animation video is fun to watch.

I still do not understand how this all happened, and how to deal with it...
Thanks for your e-mail. If you have any more information about this subject, please keep me informed.
Timo V??n?nen

Пару дней назад я написал ему письмо и рассказал, что происходит. И вот пришел ответ. Судя по письму, Тимо знает английский не лучше меня Но с другой стороны, он и не обязан его хорошо знать. Итак, мой корявенький перевод письма:
"Привет Владислав
Я действительно являюсь членом Лойтумы, но мы уже несколько лет как не работаем вместе. Мы живем в разных местах, поэтому не сочиняли музыку вместе. Хотя мы все остаемся музыкантами.
Спасибо за письмо и информацию. За последние несколько дней я заметил огромное увеличение траффика на моем сайте. Когда я начал детальное расследование я заметил, что это связано с Loituma's Ievan Polkka (Ieva's Polka) в России. Я был очень удивлен.
TvFolk.net, где размещена запись нашего живого эфира в США, сообщил мне, что у них было более десяти тысяч зрителей в короткий отрезок времени. Это огромное количество и я был еще больше удивлен.
Сейчас я даже получил несколько запросов на получение лицензии из России (люди у нас хотят использовать мелодию в корыстных целях - прим. переводчика).
Я нашел ремикс на форуме и я от него в восторге. Забавно слышать нашу польку отремиксованную таким способом, это великолепно! (аффтар жжот, короче. речь видимо идет о bbm remix, и я тут с Тимо полностью согласен - прим. переводчика) Также забавно смотриться анимация.
Я все еще не понимаю как это произошло, и что с этим делать. (мы сами не понимаем, Тимо - прим. переводчика
Спасибо за письмо. Если у тебя есть еще какая-нибудь инфа, держи меня в курсе дела."
Вот такое письмо Если кто-нибудь хочет сказать Тимо спасибо или сообщить еще чего интересного, вот его мыло - tvaanane (собака) siba (точка) fi


От vlad375

Секрет Як-цуп-цопа раскрыт. Каридола не существует!

Дамы и господа. Я получил очередное письмо от Тимо. Теперь я знаю всю правду о як-цуп-цопе Итак ->
There is a story in the polka, but in the middle there is a solo part that is nonsense language. The text is improvised every time. Hanni is singing the impro-solo part and Anita is singing the story.

Вообщем, всеми нами любимый кусок это чистейшая импровизация и каждый раз она звучала по-разному! Что собственно даже видно при сравнении видео с выступления и МР3. Еще интересная вещь. Оказывается сама идея спеть польку у ребят родилась... в Москве!

This polka arrangement emerged originally in Moscow, by the way. We were performing in the snow sculpting world championships in Moscow in the 90's. We stayed all in a very weird place, The House of the Red Army, and we had our concerts there as well. One evening we were waiting something in the lobby and Anita started to sing this polka to entertain us, and the others started to improvise the accompaniment by singing and we had very good time. The lyrics for Finns are quite funny because it is in Savo dialect (Savo is in the eastern Finland) that is very humoristic. That time we were students of the Folk Music Department of Sibelius Academy. When we had our next ensemble exam we decided to practice this piece and do it accapella like in the lobby of the House of the Red Army in Moscow.

Вот так. Так что не зря эта полька нам так нравится. Чиста русские корни у нее

Судьба у песни была тяжелая. Еще чуть-чуть и она не оказалась бы на диске. Но они поднапряглись и спели песню для сидюшки. Она тут же стала радио хитом безо всякой рекламы (знакомо, не правда ли?).

When we decided to make a cd, it was very near that we left this piece out of the cd, since it was that time quite difficult for us to sing, but we managed to record it and it was published on the cd. Very soon it became a radio hit in Finland, and we were really surprised. The cd was not marketed very much, it just was found by the audience and radios started to play it very much. So it has been a polka of surprises for us.

Тимо также связался с другими учаснегами группы и все очень удивлены и счастливы. I have contacted all the members of Loituma, Sari, Anita and Hanni and they are also very surprised of this all. We love the remix also, it is hilarious to hear our piece redone this way!

Babymax, это всё о тебе.

Права на песню принадлежат Институту фольклорной музыки, а ему сейчас не до польки. Но Тимо будет стараться уговорить их воспользоваться подвернувшейся популярностью. We have not had done anything yet for the licensing. I do not own the copyrights for licensing, they are owned by the Folk Music Institute, and it seems that they are busy organising next Kaustinen Folk Music Festival. But I try to make them realise this opportunity. How to choose a co-operation partner in Russia is another question...

Вот такое вкратце письмо.
Еще он сказал, что если будут какие еще вопросы, то смело ему задавать. Мыло где-то там было раньше.


Hi Sten,

I'm very happy to hear that you have started this site. This Ieva's Polka hype has all been very surprising for us and we have enjoyed it very much!

The members of Loituma started to play together when we started our studies at the Sibelius Academy Folk Music Department 1999 in Helsinki. There were seven students in our 'class' and we started to give performances right away. After some years we made the first cd and the band had formed to be the quartet. Our name in the beginning was Jaykka Leipa (= Stiff Bread) and it was kind of student humour. The name was changed to more suitable with the release of the first cd. Loituma does not mean anything but it is a name of a lake in Eastern Finland. Also the name has nice singing sound in Finnish.

Ievan Polkka arrangement was born in Moscow, in the House of the Red Army. We were invited to perform in the World Championships of Snow Sculpture organised by Finnish association Suomen Latu. It was really weird happening to be performing in - but we had fun time. Once we were waiting something in the lobby of the H of the R A and Anita started to sing this polka in the funny dialect of Savo district. We arrange all the music by ourselves and also use improvisation, so we started to sing right away along a accompaniment to the polka - our instruments were not there. We had really good time with the polka. In Finland we decided to make a piece out of the experiment in Moscow.

When we recorded our first cd we almost left the piece out, since it was quite hard to perform for us that time (we have been singing it very much after that, so that has changed), but we managed to do it. It became a surprise hit in the Finnish Radios. Folk Music genre is not marketed to the radios at all, but still this piece was played a lot.

We have made another cd and had concerts in Finland and Germany. But now the band is not active, we live in the different parts of the country. We all are musicians. Sari is teaching kantele in Raahe (Northern Finland), Anita is living and studying now in Kaustinen (small town in the middle of Finland), Hanni is in her maternity leave (normally teaching) and living in Jarvenpaa near Helsinki and I'm living in Lahti 100 km from Helsinki. Hanni and I are studying for artistic doctorate at the Sibelius Academy. I'm also a chief redactor of the Kantele Magazine. We all have solo and band projects going on. But we have had good fun when we have discovered this interest in the Ievan Polkka and the animations and remixes. It is just hilarious!


Here is something to start with. I hope there is something interesting for you. Ask me more, I'l answer. I might find some photos of the band as well...

By the way, we are making a license agreement with a Russian company for Ievan Polka. Also North Side (wwwnoside.com) is planing to do a rerelease of our first cd with video and other extra material...

Timo Vaananen


Опять письмо, правда не от Тимо, а от его Менеджера. Менеджера, кстати, зовут Катя
Вот письмо. Перевести сейчас не могу, времени нет.

I am Timo Vaananens manager.
This new success of Loituma is the great thing.
I will tell you that soon Loituma is available in Russia in al ways. We are just making contratct to sell it all over the Russia and ciscountries.

I ask you something:
Could you kindly add a contact of loitumas booking agency to your site.

It is my company
Different Level
The Agency for Finnish world musiv
tel. + 358 505392383

Loituma is very interested to come to perform to Russia. We have got some requests from there already.

Best regards
Katja Bloigu

В двух словах - атака Лойтумы на Россию и СНГ началась! Скоро она будет везде!!! И это благодаря нам в большой степени!!! Як-цуп-цоп!



букв много завтро дочитаю =)



лин...а чё ? с русскими буквами напряг во всей этой херне?



a ti krome russkix ne znaew` bol`we ? :rofl:



RUS написал(а):

a ti krome russkix ne znaew` bol`we ?

забыл, совсем старый стал))


Вы здесь » [Clan KeRNeT] www.l2.ru - Ramsheart » Флуд » Кто такая эта Loituma?